June 17, 2024

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - With Caleb Van Nice

Caleb Van Nice returns to the Neighborhood to chat with Andrew about the latest game in the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth! They spend the first part of the episode discussing updates to the game when compared to Final Fantasy VII Remake as well as the much larger scope and sillier tone.

In the back half of the conversation our hosts dive into spoiler territory and talk about the wild story in this game and how it deviates from the original Final Fantasy VII. They theorize what the future holds for the final game in the series and speculate on when we might get to actually play it. All this and much much more on this episode of Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamers!

57:36 - Spoilers Start
2:10:53 - Spoilers End

Follow Caleb here -  https://x.com/CJVanNice 

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