The One With Big Co-Host Energy - A SBBCU Holiday Special

It's back...
Welcome to the Fifth Annual Podcast Holiday Crossover Special! We have Super Bracket Bros, Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamers, Game of Groans and The Wait for It Podcast all joining together to bring holiday cheer from the Super Bracket Bros Cinematic Universe (SBBCU).
If you enjoy this bonus episode, let us know! And please check out all the podcasts represented on this episode! Thank you, and we hope you had a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Super Bracket Bros
Game of Groans
Your Friendly Neighborhood Gamers
The Wait for It Podcast

Jay Davis
The host of Super Bracket Bros and Ultimate Sports Mashup, Jay has been podcasting since 2019 about the hypotheticals we all ask ourselves: Who would win between Spider-Man and Elsa? Who would win between the Bad Boy Pistons and the Splash Bros Warriors? The important questions. With this level of geekery comes a deep appreciation for the interactive entertainment medium. He's a lifelong gamer who enjoys strategy games, immersive RPGs, and the occasional roguelike.

Emily Bateman
Podcaster / Bookworm / Geek / Mother of one dragon
Creator, editor and host of the Game of Groans podcast. UNC Chapel Hill grad with a degree in English Literature. Living in Japan while podcasting and mom-ing.

The Wait For It Podcast
Hosted by MrEricAlmighty and PhilTheFilipino, the guys discuss all things in Pop Culture from movies, gaming, anime, conspiracy theories, and almost anything in between. New episodes every Monday and Wednesday, all you have to WAIT FOR IT!

Kate Koballa
Casual academic / cosplayer / amateur creative
Kate is the freeloading cohost of "Game of Groans", her sister Emily Bateman's "Game of Thrones" watch-through podcast. She studied English and wrote her Master's thesis on "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies". She has written conference papers on various nerdy subjects, notably about "Fallout 4", one of the franchises nearest and dearest to her heart. She is a gamer, cosplayer, D&D player, singer, writer, and movie/television fan (none of them professionally). Her favorite game franchises are "Legend of Zelda" and "Fallout", but she also loves Pokemon, mutiplayer Mario shenanigans, and she recently played "Bioshock" 20 years after everyone else.