Jan. 29, 2024

Two Great RPGs, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and Baldur's Gate 3 - Neighborhood Watch

The neighborhood watch is back! On this episode Andrew and Dylan talk about a bunch of fun games they've been enjoying over the last month or so! Dylan gives some thoughts on Baldur's Gate 3 and how he'll probably never stop playing it. Andrew has been filling in the gaps of his Dragon Ball Z knowledge by playing through Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and having a great time with it. 

Along with that, Andrew played and finished the rogue-like mode for God of War: Raknarok, called Valhalla. He talks about how it is a great experience for someone new to this genre. Dylan has been playing Factorio and talks about what he enjoys about that game. And both hosts have been playing Fortnite. The game has finally clicked for Andrew and he's been enjoying his time in the most popular game in the world!

They also predict a Super Smash Bros. style fighting game eventually coming to Fortnite and Andrew wants it to happen right now...

Main Topic - 14:07
Baldur's Gate 3 - 15:22
DBZ Kakarot - 29:37
GoW Valhalla - 38:03
Magic the Gathering - 45:37
Factorio - 49:58
Fortnite - 56:56
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - 1:19:26

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